Best Practice Guide
The ultimate step-by-step guide for analytic content creators.

Integrating automated insights with your dashboards (widgets, advanced embedding with code)
As part of setting up threshold based alerts and automated notifications, it is recommended to keep all of these alerts visible for users directly on your dashboard. This can be done through the use of Code Widgets, which are custom UI objects designed to allow users to connect external application experiences into dashboards as low-code, no-code widgets for other authors. Yellowfin includes several out-of-the-box and user-generated Code Widgets for user flexibility. All are drag and drop when using Dashboard Canvas mode and recommended to use.
Signal List
The Yellowfin Signals List Widget object is an out-of-the-box Code Widget available for use in the dashboard builder that can be used to connect to the output for a specific Signals job and configured further to show specific signals from that job. For example, you can link your dashboards to automated signals generated from website traffic data. Using the Signals List Widget makes this data available on the dashboard directly, so any user that accesses the dashboard can view each signal easily and click it for further exploration without exiting.
Custom HTML
The Yellowfin Custom HTML Widget is a custom code widget that developers can code and package together to add to the dashboard through the Yellowfin plugin manager. This advanced embedding via code is helpful for further customization of how you integrate automated insights with your dashboards. All Custom HTML Widgets upon importing it into the system will appear in the Code Widget list for selection in the dashboard builder. For integrating automated insights with dashboards, these widgets are a quick and easy way to incorporate automatically discovered insights that are most relevant to the content and metrics displayed on a dashboard. The Signal List Widget is continuously updated to reflect new signals the system detects and discovers in real-time. Ensure widget filters are set to display them.