Collaborative Business Intelligence: Optimizing the Process of Making Decisions

Wayne Eckerson – Principal Consultant at BI Leader Consulting and TechTarget’s Director of Research – has announced the release of a new industry research report on Collaborative Business Intelligence (BI).

The study – Collaborative Business Intelligence: Optimizing the Process of Making Decisions – assesses and analyzes the current state and potential of Collaborative BI.

Download the full report here

“The purpose of this research report is to examine the current state of adoption for Collaborative BI, show perceptions and attitudes towards collaboration, and provide recommendations about how to implement it successfully,” said Eckerson at the official Webcast launch of the report.

View the official Webcast launch here

Trends in the use of collaboration in BI tools

Eckerson compiled and released a summary of preliminary research findings, which underpin the new benchmark report in January this year.

View more PowerPoint from Wayne Eckerson

The supporting survey, based on 227 respondents, uncovered a number of significant marketplace trends.

Major trends in the use and development of Collaborative BI were found to be:

  • An overwhelming majority of respondents agree that collaborative decision-making tools and functionality have the ability to improve decision-making and analysis (87%)

  • The majority (58%) of respondents said collaborative capabilities would form a key component of their selection criteria when purchasing a new BI tool

  • The most in-demand BI collaboration feature was the ability to annotate content (67%); while the ability to “stream updates of connections” was the least demanded collaborative BI capability (17%)

  • Currently, the most used collaborative BI features include the ability to publish content to a server (35%), send live content via email (26%), add comments (22%)

  • Power users (business analyst, report developers) are the dominant users of Collaborative BI capabilities (84% are currently utilizing collaborative features and functionality), followed by the IT department (38%), casual users (34%), front-line workers (14%), and external users (11%)

Yellowfin and Collaborative BI

To find out more about Yellowfin and Collaborative BI, download a free copy of the white paper – Collaborative Business Intelligence.

View Yellowfin’s Collaborative BI solutions page here.

“Collaboration and BI are beginning to intersect,” said Eckerson in the report’s Webcast launch. “Most BI professionals recognize that collaboration can improve analysis and decision effectiveness and plan to consider collaboration features when selecting their next BI tool.

“BI vendors, such as… Yellowfin, now embed annotations, discussions, shared workspaces and other collaboration features into their products.

“Adoption rates for collaboration software — whether stand-alone collaboration platforms or collaboration features built into BI and other applications — should begin to climb in the near future.

“This Webcast [and research report] evaluates the role of collaboration in a BI environment and presents results from a survey of BI professionals about their interest in and adoption of collaborative capabilities.”