Site icon Yellowfin BI

Dept of Sustainability & Environment make critical data accessible.

Dept of Sustainability & Environment make critical data accessible.

The ability to track business performance and involve all staff in knowledge management has prompted the Department of Sustainability and Environment to adopt Yellowfin as a strategic reporting platform.

The goal of the department is to ensure that there is a continuity of knowledge in their very specialised field. By using Yellowfin the department will understand the profile of their client base, track business performance against KPIs and be able to pro-actively manage knowledge transfer.

Its intuitive interface enables all levels of user to access the data they need to be effective.

About Yellowfin and i4

i4 Pty Ltd’s Yellowfin Solution is the world leader in Information Collaboration that ensure 100% adoption by users. Yellowfin’s Enterprise Reporting Application Platform is the foundation on which Global organisations and packaged application software vendors develop intuitive, Web portal reporting and analytic applications that empower 100% of users with decision-making information.

Yellowfin delivers the next level of competitive advantage – Information Collaboration – achieved through the strategic application of BI on an enterprise scale. Our integrated solution helps customers drive performance through collaboration, dashboards; and understanding performance through business intelligence.

Founded in 2000, i4 has headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. For more information, visit Yellowfin at the company’s Web site at

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