DTAC Thailand Selects Yellowfin for Real-Time BI

DTAC Thailand Selects Yellowfin for Real-Time Business Intelligence Software to help the GPRS Operator Improve Subscriber Satisfaction, Increase Profitability

Yellowfin International, the leading provider of embeddable Business Intelligence solutions, today announced DTAC, Thailand’s leading wireless communications brand with over four million customers, has selected Yellowfin for its general packet radio Service (GPRS) network and roaming management reporting.


Yellowfin provides critical business intelligence data and real-time call detail record (CDR) reporting that enables the wireless operator to better understand the performance of its GPRS network in terms of call completions, data transactions and other service deliverables.


“Asia-Pacific represents one of the largest growth opportunities for Yellowfin’s business intelligence solutions,” said Glen Rabie, CEO of Yellowfin. “As one of the large, innovative wireless operators in the region, DTAC is a significant win for us and demonstrates the benefits of our real-time business intelligence solutions to help service providers deliver superior service offerings, reduce customer churn and increase profitability.”


Rabie added, “Ultimately, our embedded BI solution mean better service delivery and higher satisfaction for DTAC’s subscribers, which helps to maintain customer loyalty and increase DTAC’s revenues.”


About Yellowfin

Unlike traditional tools Yellowfin is making BI easy. Yellowfin supports wider distribution across the organisation through ease of use, ease of deployment and ease of integration into production applications and through a minimal end user learning curve.


To find out more contact Yellowfin at www.yellowfin.com.au