Information Collaboration and the HR Department

Information Collaboration and Human Resource Management

Information Collaboration has relevance for all functions within the organisation.  For the Human Resource department this is especially so.  As owners of a key organisational data asset the HRIS the HR function has a responsibility for maintaining and delivering information to all members of the enterprise.


External regulatory environments and the enterprises own goals of achieving internal accountability and competitive advantage are driving the need for information collaboration. Internal and external stakeholders can no longer have barriers between them and the information that they need to make strategic business decisions.


In driving towards delivering true information collaboration organisations have to be mindful of the diverse needs that exist between information consumers and develop a roadmap to meet these needs in a coherent and staged approach.


Glen Rabie’s presentation to AHRI explores both the internal and external drivers for information collaboration and outlines a Roadmap for delivering a successful IC project.


Click here to download the presentation > AHRI Presentation



In conjunction with the Yellowfin presentation presentation to AHRI, Lyndal Bradilovic presented a case study on:  Implementing Collaborative Information Technologies for HR/Business Reporting.

Click here to download her presentation >  Implementing IC for HR



“Providing access to critical business information across the enterprise when and where it is needed.”


About Yellowfin and i4

i4 Pty Ltd’s Yellowfin Solution is the world leader in Information Collaboration Applications that ensure 100% adoption by users. Yellowfin’s Enterprise Reporting Application Platform is the foundation on which Global organisations and packaged application software vendors develop intuitive, Web portal reporting and analytic applications that empower 100% of users with decision-making information.

Yellowfin delivers the next level of competitive advantage – Information Collaboration – achieved through the strategic application of BI on an enterprise scale. Our integrated solution helps customers drive performance through collaboration, dashboards; and understanding performance through business intelligence.

Founded in 2000, i4 has headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. For more information, visit Yellowfin at the company’s Web site at