International Racer standardises on Yellowfin

International Racer standardises on Yellowfin

Global alpine ski racing team International Racer are now using Yellowfin to access their web booking data, quickly and flexibly.

Luc Pelletier, Chief Operations officer says, “Before Yellowfin, we had a lot of data to manage through static reports that were not flexible enough for our scheduling and logistics needs. Yellowfin has allowed us to access our booking data via the web securely and now with flexibility to support our decision-making needs. Better still, staff members who are positioned in separate global locations can work together better than before”

About International Racer

International Racer is an independent English speaking alpine team that supports the training and racing ambitions of racers who want racing/training experience on the European circuit and/or summer training options at international locations. They focus on providing our athletes with the skills, strategies, support and training balance to pursue sporting success.

International Racer has embraced a goal to develop top-level training programs and train athletes at competitive facilities in Europe. We undertake to provide a permanent predictable operation so ski racers can access elite level training.

Yellowfin supports International Racer through its information collaboration allowing access to critical business intelligence to all stakeholders. Visit international racer to find out more.

About Yellowfin and i4

i4 Pty Ltd’s Yellowfin Solution is the world leader in Information Collaboration that ensures 100% adoption by users. Yellowfin’s Enterprise Reporting Application Platform is the foundation on which Global organisations and packaged application software vendors develop intuitive, Web portal reporting and analytic applications that empower 100% of users with decision-making information.

Yellowfin delivers the next level of competitive advantage – Information Collaboration – achieved through the strategic application of BI on an enterprise scale. Our integrated solution helps customers drive performance through collaboration, dashboards; and understanding performance through business intelligence.

Founded in 2000, i4 has headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. For more information, visit Yellowfin at the company’s Web site at