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Lotus Notes Reporting at Last

At last, a flexible reporting solution for Lotus Notes and Domino applications.  Yellowfin 3.0 fills a major gap in the Business Intelligence market by providing sophisticated and affordable reporting functionality for Lotus Notes and Domino. 

Imagine what you could do with Yellowfin and your Lotus Notes data:


1.       Business Dashboards and interactive charting

2.       Drag and drop ad hoc reporting

3.       Exception reporting and scheduling


and all of this through a 100% web based interface.  With Yellowfin you do not need to install any client side software, so delivering Yellowfin to your business users will take days not weeks or months. And with as little as 1 hour training your business users will be able to create their own reports, relieving the pressure on IT resources.



One of the areas where organisational data has traditionally been inaccessible is in Lotus Notes databases.  Often to report on this critical data, IT departments have had to run extract processes and store data in independent data stores or data warehouses.  Not only is this a costly exercise utilising precious IT resources, but it does not support real time reporting and limits the responsiveness to changing business needs.

As a result of your critical business data being trapped in isolated Notes databases three key business challenges exist.  These are:


1.       Decision makers have an incomplete picture of the business

2.       Your Notes assets are not delivering maximum value to the business

3.       Complying with regulatory reporting obligations is more difficult



Yellowfin addresses these challenges and the needs of your IT department and Business users by simplifying the reporting process.  With Yellowfin connecting to Lotus Notes and Domino databases is effortless, and writing reports has never been easier.  With Yellowfin you will:


1.       Extend the life and increase the ROI of your Lotus Domino investment

2.       Thrill your business users with world class reporting capabilities

3.       Deliver integrated reporting across all your enterprise databases



At Yellowfin we are passionate about delivering the very best in enterprise reporting and analysis.  In fact it is all we do…
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