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Usability – Making BI easy

Usability – Making BI easy


The motivating design principle at Yellowfin is to make business intelligence easy. In fact Yellowfin was founded to tackle the problems its founders had experienced with more traditional players in this market.  Overwhelmingly, traditional BI products are designed for the technology expert.  The perceived functionality requirements are driven by widget wish lists rather than actual business user (the BI consumers) needs. 


Our design philosophy has been honed through experience and results in a simple equation:  Usability = Simplicity + Unity


We use the following principles when designing our application.  These are defined by 5 laws and 5 myths. 


The laws:

  1. Simplicity – the art of Zen and interface design

  2. Strive for internal and external unity

  3. Innovation stretchs engineering capability

  4. Everything changes except change itself

  5. First impressions count


The Myths: 

  1. Form follows function

  2. Only users know what they want

  3. Involve many people in your design process

  4. Usability testing will ensure a great UI

  5. You can’t live without rigorous design processes


At Yellowfin we use the principles outlined in this paper to continue to deliver innovation, improvements and what we hope is an exceptional software experience for our customers. Find out more>

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