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Yellowfin 4.1 Delivers Interactive Business Intelligence & GIS mashup capability

Yellowfin 4.1 Delivers Interactive Business Intelligence & GIS mashup capability

Melbourne, September 22, 2009 – Yellowfin the leader in easy to use Business Intelligence today announced the immediate availability of Yellowfin 4.1 with enhanced GIS functionality.

Unlike the majority of BI applications which integrated 3rd party Geographic Information System applications to provide spatial analysis, Yellowfin 4.1 delivers a fully integrated GIS capability tightly meshed with Yellowfin’s renowned industry leading ease of use and analytic capabilities. More than just static maps Yellowfin 4.1 provides users with a high degree of GIS functionality all within a standard reporting and dashboard environment.

Yellowfin’s GIS Highlight in 4.1 includes:

“As business people begin to use spatial data for Business intelligence in more sophisticated ways they are going to need their GIS capability tightly integrated with the rest of the Business Intelligence platform. For Yellowfin, rather than grappling with the complexity of integrating a 3rd party application – which only costs the customer more – we view location intelligence as simply another facet of our core application. Yellowfin can access spatial data from a variety databases and provides map reports either through its dashboard interface or as a web service. These maps services allow developers to embed maps into things like SharePoint or any other application. The Yellowfin approach is different from traditional GIS. It’s really mapping for the whole enterprise”, says Yellowfin CEO Glen Rabie.

Yellowfin has been offering integrated location intelligence with its reporting and analysis software to organisations and its OEM software partners worldwide since version 4.0. "Many of our customers have come to rely on rendering their spatial data with Yellowfin and exposing it in conjunction with associated business metrics data to all their people via Yellowfin reports and dashboards," said Rabie. "We are delighted to offer this additional functionality which greatly enhances the interactivity and user experience and as a result helps them to understand the power of spatial analysis."

With 4.0 Yellowfin enabled querying and rendering of spatial data types for Oracle and MySQL in 4.1 they have extended this to SQL Server 2008 and other databases. However – the really big breakthrough in this release is the ability to leverage Web Map Servers (WMS) for rendering spatial data. This allows users to connect to any GIS application that uses the WMS open standard for map delivery. This combined with the ability for users to build map layers – which can be turned on or off at run time– means that users have a huge amount of flexibility to built and view spatial analysis with an incredibly easy to use interface.

Yellowfin recently launched version 4.1 of its BI Suite. The GIS module forms a valuable part of this application suite.

About Yellowfin
Yellowfin is passionate about making Business Intelligence easy. Recently recognised among 25 rising companies that CIO’s must know about, Yellowfin is a leading web-based BI solution can be easily integrated into any third-party application or delivered as a stand-alone enterprise platform. Yellowfin is an innovative and flexible solution for reporting and analytics, providing a full range of data access, presentation and information delivery capabilities.

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