Yellowfin 6 on market: Makes BI and data analysis even easier

Global Business Intelligence (BI) software vendor, Yellowfin, has announced the general availability of its new release Yellowfin 6: Making Business Intelligence and data analysis even easier.

Check out the details and the official Yellowfin 6 Release Notes

Watch the official Webinar launch of Yellowfin 6 on-demand

Yellowfin 6 – officially launched in a series of live Webinars Tuesday 6 December – includes Yellowfin’s much hyped new iPad application, and a number of significant consumer-oriented User Interface (UI) innovations, that will change the way people develop and consume BI content.

“Yellowfin 6 is about making Business Intelligence and data analysis even easier no matter who or where you are,” said Yellowfin CEO, Glen Rabie. “Yellowfin 6 takes advantage of the latest in consumer Web technologies to present enterprise data in a way that empowers people of all business backgrounds to conduct independent data analysis, build reports, share and act on data.”

The release’s major additions and enhancements include:

  • A new native application for the iPad that delivers a unique consumer-oriented mobile reporting and analytics experience

  • An in-app ‘inbox’ that provides users with an activity stream to control all information delivery, access and dissemination from one central location

  • Syndicated dashboards [Syndicated content is the capacity to embed a report or dashboard in platforms or applications outside the BI solution, such as a wiki, blog or Web page]

  • Drill anywhere – users can drill into the detail of all data sources and types within a database

  • Improvements to the drag and drop report builder to make independent report building faster and easier

Yellowfin for the iPad delivers consumer-oriented BI

Rabie said the Yellowfin’s new iPad app for Mobile BI was responding to the consumerization of BI and the need for greater Return On Investment (ROI) for BI projects.

“Yellowfin’s new iPad application offers a compelling mobile reporting and analytics experience,” said Rabie. “Yellowfin’s approach to Mobile BI is based on the firm belief that using a Mobile BI application should be as fun and easy as browsing an online magazine, or sharing ideas with friends across social networks.”

This latest development reaffirms Yellowfin’s position as a preeminent provider of Mobile BI, rounding out an impressive year. Dresner Advisory Services (DAS) identified Yellowfin as a leading solution in two separate studies analysing and comparing the world’s foremost Mobile BI providers during 2011. Yellowfin was also recognized in Gartner’s annual Who’s Who in Mobile BI report.

Enhanced information collaboration: Syndicated dashboards

The new release builds on Yellowifn’s market-leading collaborative capabilities with the introduction of syndicated dashboards.

“Once you’ve discovered or gained insight, if you don’t share that insight with anyone, you’re not realizing the true value of that data,” said Rabie. “Yellowfin 6 encourages people to share insights and analysis to derive better value from their BI by moving from an application-centric to an information-centric model for data consumption and delivery. Users can simply copy and paste a YouTube-style piece of script to embed a fully-interactive dashboard anywhere.”

Enhanced UI: Making data analysis and interaction even easier

An updated UI boosts interactivity and usability via streamlined data exploration and reporting building features, while a new personalized in-app ‘inbox’ simplifies information management for individual users.

“Yellowfin 6 offers users the ability to explore their data and generate insights independently without having to be a data scientist,” said Rabie. “The fresh and clean UI empowers end-users with sophisticated report building and data analysis capabilities – multi-drill, series selection and filter sliders – that were the exclusive domain of analysts and true techies until very recently. Yellowfin 6 is making data analysis even easier.”

Independent industry research has also acknowledged Yellowfin’s continued move towards, and ability to satisfy the demands of, consumer-oriented BI. The latest 2011 DAS Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study identified Yellowfin as a global BI vendor on the rise and a leader in BI usability. Overall, Yellowfin outperformed Open Source and traditional big name vendors, and was one of only three vendors recommended by 100 percent of survey participants, scoring particularly highly on product usability related criteria, including ease of administration, overall usability, ease of installation and third party integration.

Yellowfin 6 is available from Friday 9 December. Simply visit the Yellowfin website – - and ask for Yellowfin’s proven roadmap to assist you to successfully implement Yellowfin 6 into your organization.

What is Business Intelligence software?

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to a broad range of computer software applications and tools used to report, analyze and present data in a range of formats, to help businesses identify trends and opportunities, and support fundamental decision-making.

About Yellowfin

Yellowfin is a global Business Intelligence (BI) software vendor headquartered and developed in Melbourne, Australia. Yellowfin is a highly intuitive 100 percent Web-based reporting and analytics solution.

For further media information, interviews, images or product demonstration, please contact:

Lachlan James, Communications Manager on +61 03 9090 0454, 0431 835 658 or

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