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Yellowfin Collaborative BI best practice Webinar series responds to market demand

CEO of global Business Intelligence (BI) software vendor Yellowfin, Glen Rabie, said that the company’s upcoming Collaborative BI best practice Webinar series would help organizations to capitalize on the impending age of digital collaboration in the workplace.

The Webinar series will run throughout Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 December.

Register for a Webinar time HERE >

“Today, a younger social media savvy generation is entering the workforce, bringing with them new skills and expectations regarding the delivery of information,” said Rabie. “This demographic shift, in conjunction with the continuing development and proliferation of collaborative technologies, has helped drive the emergence of collaborative decision-making (CDM) software capable of improving organizational efficiencies and performance. The rise of Collaborative BI is part of that trend.”

Demand for best practice Collaborative BI

Rabie said that factors driving demand for Collaborative BI within the enterprise included:

  1. The increased demand for real-time information, in conjunction with the rapid expansion of corporate data assets, resulting in organizations searching for faster methods to share and derive actionable meaning from reporting and analytics
  2. Increasingly dispersed workforces have heightened the need for, and benefit of, fast information sharing and collaborative decision-making
  3. The need to provide context to actionable information to underpin accurate fact-based decision-making
  4. Reduced timeframes to complete key business processes

“We’ve found that clients who embrace Collaborative BI have the ability to improve productivity and visibility across the breadth of organizational operations via enhanced knowledge sharing,” said Rabie.

According to InformationWeek’s 2012 Business Intelligence, Analytics and Information Management Survey, 59 percent of IT pros list “the ability for users to share and collaborative” as the most important feature to consider when purchasing a BI solution. Only “ease of use” (63%) and “fast data exploration” (62%) ranked higher.

Wayne Eckerson’s Collaborative Business Intelligence: Optimizing the Process of Making Decisions report found that 87 percent of BI professionals believe that “collaboration tools can have a positive impact on analysis and decision-making activities”, while “Fifty-eight percent of BI professionals plan to evaluate collaboration features when they purchase their next BI tools” – up from a lowly 15 percent who evaluated collaborative capabilities as part of the selection process for their current BI solution.

Current Collaborative BI approaches fail

However, according to Accenture’s Competing Through Analytics survey of 250 IT executives, 40 percent of major business decisions are not based on information generated from reporting and analytics, because there is limited capacity for business decision-makers to share and discuss BI content.

Recent research from TDWI supports Accenture’s findings, suggesting that BI tools still only reach around 25 percent of potential users within the average analytics enabled organization.

Worse still, current collaborative functionality offered by the BI market is unsatisfactory. Of those using BI solutions that already contain collaborative features, only 16 percent actually use those features, according to Eckerson’s aforementioned Collaborative BI study.

Yellowfin’s three concise forty-minute Collaborative BI best practice Webinars are scheduled to run throughout Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 December.

Following the Webinar, attendees will receive a recording of the presentation for on-demand viewing.

To register for a session, GO HERE >

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About Yellowfin

Yellowfin is a global Business Intelligence (BI) software vendor passionate about making BI easy. Yellowfin is headquartered and developed in Melbourne, Australia, offering a highly intuitive 100 percent Web-based reporting and analytics solution. Founded in 2003 in response to the complexity and costs associated with implementing and using traditional BI tools, Yellowfin is a leader in mobile, collaborative and embeddable BI as well as Location Intelligence and data visualization. For more information, visit

What is Business Intelligence software?

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to a broad range of computer software applications and tools used to report, analyze and present data in a range of formats, to help businesses identify trends and opportunities, and support fundamental decision-making.

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