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Business analytics
in the machine learning era

Many organisations claim to be “data-driven”, but what varies across organisations is the quality of information available to decision makers – and the speed with which it is available to them.
When considering data analytics, a huge spectrum exists – from a few canned reports being delivered to the inboxes of decision makers on a fixed schedule to self-service Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics, powered by machine learning (ML) that is available on multiple devices to enable decisions driven not just by data, but by business insights.
This paper aims to understand the impact of Machine Learning on BI and analytics, and the adoption and success of its application to date. It is the output of recent research by Computing Magazine, dated February 2018, a survey of approximately 110 business decision makers across a range of mid and large-scale enterprises in the UK.
Read this paper to:
- Understand the barriers to data-driven decision making, facing organisations today
- Review the impact of self-service BI on data governance
- Gain insight into the adoption of next generation of BI and tools, and what the potential of this breakthrough might be.