Business Intelligence: Cornerstone to NHDS Decision-Making
The key facts:
3 legacy systems
100 + employees using Yellowfin
75 days a year of senior analyst time gained
The National Home Doctor Service (NHDS) is Australia’s largest network of visiting home doctors, providing urgent, after-hours medical care to more than a million patients.
When general practices are closed, home visiting doctors treat acute, episodic conditions and carry starter packs of medications to facilitate immediate treatment while bulk billing patients for services.

“Analytics have been transformative. Minerra and Yellowfin BI have delivered a solution that provides mission-critical insights — the organisation doesn’t function properly without it.”
Their story
NHDS was using a combination of manual spreadsheet entry and analysis, along with data exports from various sources.
The organisation engaged Minerra and chartered them with assessing the current situation and delivering product-agnostic recommendations.
The solution
Rapid report prototyping, via an evolutionary and iterative process and extensive consultation with NHDS staff. The resulting reports drew information from call centre operations and patient booking systems and were made available to users via Yellowfin.
The system now also provides access to data that supports the rostering, operations and clinical teams. NHDS has moved to an unlimited server licensing model and is using analytics to deliver value across the entire organisation.
“From the very beginning — with the executive team able to use the system so easily — there was an appetite for more. They wanted more information, but also the ability to slice and dice it.”
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Yellowfin provides a single, integrated enterprise analytics platform for delivering faster, better insights for the whole business, regardless of function or industry.