Prometheus Information

Embeddded Yellowfin BI Boosts Health Sector Market Share

The key facts:

  • Almost ½ Australia’s health funds use Prometheus and Yellowfin

  • Provides a cost-effective platform for health fund reporting, suitable for analysts and power users as well as for business users

  • Yellowfin’s reports and interactive dashboards and graphs make it easy for funds to understand and use their data in everyday decision-making.

Prometheus Information is an Australian company that specialises in creative business intelligence (BI) solutions in the Health Fund and Healthcare market.

Founded by mathematicians and computer scientists more than 25 years ago, the company offers clients a wealth of talent in areas such as statistics, artificial intelligence, business IT strategy, advanced algorithms and bio-informatics. It is this breadth of academic disciplines that enables Prometheus to approachcomplex problems from unique points of view, leading to optimal solutions to business problems.

Prometheus Case Study

“We realised that rather than doing their own analyses, the market was changing. Health fund management and staff had become consumers of data. They want to have information presented to them quickly, accurately and in a way that can be easily understood.”

Bill Beedie
Manager, Business Development,

Their story

"We had the skills but the scale of investment was daunting and we realised visualisation wasn’t our focus. Our value to the health funds is our deep understanding of their data and how it all interacts. We didn’t need to be distracted from this. We were better off looking for a partner.” said Bill Beedie, Manager - Business Development at Prometheus.

The company prepared a list of requirements and their CIO began to research the market. “We were looking for a combination of strategic vision, software that was web and mobile-based, and which had a low footprint.

We wanted a partner who was strong in services, marketing and R&D, and who was committed to staying at the forefront of visualisation technology. Critically, they had to have a great culture that would work with us and with our clients,” Beedie stated.

The solution

A complete BI environment, offering strategic and operational reporting for Prometheus clients in a highly visual environment. Mobile-ready and web-enabled, it provides a cost-effective platform for health fund reporting, suitable for analysts and power users as well as for business users who simply want a dashboard presentation of key performance indicators

“We were looking for a combination of strategic vision, software that was web and mobile-based, and which had a low footprint. We wanted a partner who was strong in services, marketing and R&D, and who was committed to staying at the forefront of visualisation technology. Critically, they had to have a great culture that would work with us and with our clients”

Bill Beedie
Prometheus Case Study - Doctors

Strong in services, marketing and R&D, and are committed to staying at the forefront of visualisation technology

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