What’s new in Yellowfin 9.6
See how Yellowfin 9.6 provides business users with unique ways to engage with and act on their data, and addresses the needs of data analysts and developers who want to build and deploy amazing analytical experiences.
New Feature Highlights
Stories at your fingertips
Stay in your flow and let rich, contextual Stories find you with the brand new Data Storytelling Feed. Create new and relevant Stories faster with Story Templates and Filters.
Your charts, your way
Perform deeper customizations with new options for chart axis values and labels, category spacing, and sorting.
Get to where you want to go
Analyze your Dashboards quicker with sticky filter menus that remain on the page as you scroll. Jump directly to any slide in Presentations with the new Slide Picker.
Yellowfin 9.6 Overview
Check out the latest enhancements and see them in action.
Sticky Global Containers
Greater visibility and accessibility
Preserve Column Widths
How wide - your choice
Column Formatters for Chart Axis
Display axis values in unique ways
Logarithmic Scales
Visualize exponential scenarios quicker
Axis Titles for Smaller Charts
Decide when axis titles should appear
Enhanced Chart Sorting
Sort it your way
Category Spacing for Time Series Charts
More space needed
Support for Conditional Formatting Icons in Exports
Icons vs. column data
Custom Line Break Characters
Choose your delimiter
Unrestricted Filter Values
Display all filter values
Enhanced SAML authentication
SAML configuration just got easier
User Session Override in JS API
Automate programmatic user logins
Stylesheet improvements
Faster white-labelling across the suite
Enhanced REST API
Manage plugins and content folders programmatically
Support for Custom Key Providers
Applying cryptography best practice
Improved OLAP performance
Faster cubes with the latest libraries
Enhanced JS API
Design the best filtering experience
Improved Google BigQuery connectivity
Do more with serverless data warehouses
In more detail...
Sticky Global Containers
Filters and Associated Reports on the Dashboard can now remain fixed in place — visible and accessible as you scroll around your dashboards.
Preserve Column Widths
You can now decide if tabular reports are rendered with specific column widths in Dashboards and Presentations.
Column Formatters for Chart Axis
New chart axis options now allow you to automatically apply report column formatting to chart axis values.
Logarithmic Scales
You can now toggle logarithmic scales for numeric chart axes in all suitable chart types.
Axis Titles for Smaller Charts
A new chart option has been introduced to force axis titles to appear even for smaller charts.
Enhanced Chart Sorting
Support for sorting by custom reference codes has been added to more chart types. Improvements include adding this ability for both chart axis dimensions and colour fields, enabling you to apply custom sorting for the chart and its legend values.
Category Spacing for Time Series Charts
Stacked bar and column charts with time series enabled now supports category spacing, allowing you to customize how far apart the bars and columns should be.
Support for Conditional Formatting Icons in Exports
For exports to Word or HTML documents, you can now decide when conditional formatting icons are applied.
Custom Line Break Characters
CSV exports now support custom line break characters, giving you the ability to choose between CR, CRLF or LF delimiters, and catering for the consumption of CSV files by third party tools.
Unrestricted Filter Values
Report filters now enable you to toggle for unrestricted display of all possible filter values in filter prompts, regardless of other filter value selections already made.
Enhanced SAML authentication
Native identity provider configuration is now supported for SAML authentication, enabling you to easily configure parameters directly within Yellowfin.
User Session Override in JS API
User login workflows via the JS API have been enhanced to allow new login activity to override current user sessions and automatically logging out the previous user — reducing the steps needed for user session management.
Stylesheet improvements
New customization options through CSS variables have been introduced to make it much easier and quicker to apply prominent colors across the entire analytics suite.
Enhanced REST API
Plugins can now be uploaded, edited and deleted programmatically via REST API. Improvements include new endpoint functionality for searching, creating and deleting folders, and refreshing content folder caches.
Support for Custom Key Providers
Custom key providers are now supported for two-way encryption involving passwords.
Improved OLAP performance
Performance for OLAP connections has been increased by optimizing for fields with Member Properties. Improvements include support for new methods in the latest olap4j library.
Enhanced JS API
Filter displays from analytic content (e.g. Reports, Dashboards) can now be split and customized separately via JS API, enabling you to have full control over where they are placed and how they look. Improvements also include new endpoint functionality to support exporting analytic content using JS API.
Improved Google BigQuery connectivity
Data source substitution for multi-tenant deployments are now supported with Google BigQuery datasets. Improvements include support for the latest BigQuery 4.2 JDBC driver.
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