Yellowfin Blog
Analytics, BI, Dashboards, Automation, Data Storytelling and everything in between.
Yellowfin entre dans le Carrй magique 2014 de Gartner sur le marchй de l’informatique dйcisionnelle et des plates-formes analytiques
Yellowfin feiert sein Debüt im Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms von 2014
Yellowfin дебютирует в Магическом квадранте бизнес-аналитики Gartner 2014 года
Download BARC’s The BI Survey 13
Yellowfin a top ranked Enterprise Reporting Vendor in BARC’s The BI Survey 13
Yellowfin identified as a standout BI solution in BARC’s The BI Survey 13
Yellowfin estreia em 2014 na Gartner Magic Quadrant para Plataformas de Business Intelligence e Analytics
Business Intelligence vendor Yellowfin announces early bird discount for 2014 Think Tank conference