Yellowfin Blog
Analytics, BI, Dashboards, Automation, Data Storytelling and everything in between.
Data visualization reveals success by gender at Eurovision
Training Webinar: Raster Maps in Yellowfin 7.1 – join us!
Love Yellowfin? Then fill out BARC’s The BI Survey 15 today!
Yellowfin Partner Success Story
Yellowfin teams up with NTT Software Corporation and Appresso KK to deliver fully managed Cloud BI environment on AWS for Japanese market
Yellowfin wurde im 2015 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms aufgenommen, aufgrund seiner ganzheitlichen Vision und der Fähigkeit diese umzusetzen
Roadshow test
Yellowfin classé dans l’édition 2015 du Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms de Gartner grâce à la perfection de sa vision et de sa capacité d’exécution