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Can we use Ref.Line on Bar Chart or Conditional of Columns on Meter Chart(Other Chart) from data table value?

Hi Support,

Can we used Ref.Line on Bar Chart or Conditional of Columns on Meter Chart(Other Chart) from data table value?

Sample 1: (Ref.Line on Bar Chart)
I have create the plan vs actual by projects report when I drill through the child report(pic1). The child report display progress by project and mark Ref.Line of payment milestone. I want to get Ref.Line from data table value of project display on bar chart because each project have different payment milestone.

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Sample 2: Conditional of Columns on Dial Chart(Other Chart)
For conditional of columns on the chart ,I want to display value KPI(3 color codes) of each project from the data table value because issue same sample 1.

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Could you please kindly advise me about this?

Hi Ann,

for your Sample 1, you will have to add other Ref.Lines for each project via the Add button as circled in the screenshot below:

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regarding your Sample 2, I have raised an enhancement request to be able to load Conditional values from a data table, the support task ID is 142020 and will be implemented at some point in the future.

Thanks for your input,
Hi David,

Thank you for your information.
For sample 1, I want to get value from data table to Ref.Lines for each project.
The data table as sample screenshot below:

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Can you please kindly advise me?

Thank you in advance,
Hi David,

I have the test reports in multiple formats of the Chart for issue the project progress chart, but the results do not meet the requirements of customers.

Can you please suggest me how to choose a chart type for the project progress report?

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Hi Ann,

thanks for the extra screenshot, that certainly makes the requirements clearer, I have raised an enhancement request for this (support task ID = 142111) so that it may be implemented at some point in the future.

Regarding how to choose a chart type, here is a helpful Wiki page that was made for precisely that purpose. Please have a read of it as it shows what's available and what their features are, hopefully it will help guide you towards what is the most appropriate for your requirements.

Hi David,

Thank you very much for your quick response.

Best Regards,