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Google Maps (combine points & polygons)


When using Google Maps in Yellowfin, can location points be combined with polygons on the same map? Or can one be used as a layer for the other.

In the example below, the desired outcome is to have both sets of data shown on one map. Currently, the maps are co-displayed.

Forum image

If this is not possible, can it be added as a future enhancement?

Hi Samuel,

Yes, the way to do this is by using a GIS report for the location points, and another GIS report for the polygons, and then combine one into the other as an added layer.

If this doesn't work as described, or there are further questions about GIS reports then please don't hesitate to let us know.

Hi David,

Can you Tell me please who can i make the combination? I create 2 rapports and then??

Hi Ashraf,

Once you've got your 2 GIS reports then you add one of them to the other as a layer via the Add Layer button at the bottom of the Chart Data section of the Format Chart screen as described in this Wiki page.

If this doesn't work as described, or there are further questions then please don't hesitate to let us know.
